Saturday, May 27, 2006

Today's Roast: Sumatra Mandheling Grade 1 Toba

Never mind anything I said before about what I would roast when. I decided to give Mike the last 1/2 cup of roasted Peruvian to see if he likes that roast. Actually it's a little more than a 1/2 cup now that it's been roasted but it's about 1 pot of coffee's worth in a 10 cup coffee maker.

And why the change of heart? I really want to play with the roast curves for 1/2 cup batches in the iRoast! So tonight I tried another 1/2 of the Sumatra Mandheling with this roast curve:

Stage 1350F2:00
Stage 2400F2:00
Stage 3460F2:30

The beans look like they are a little light, but Sweet Maria says that Sumatran roasts light (in other words a full city Sumatran is a lighter shade than a full city Something Else). Tomorrow I will grind, brew and drink and then I'll know if the modified curve helped. And tomorrow night: I roast some Kenyan!! (Unless I change my mind...)

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