Sunday, August 06, 2006

Today's Roast: A Study of Colombia Huila "Palastina"

I started this study to identify the best way to roast the Colombian, because I am taking a supply of roasted beans with me on vacation and want to make sure I take a well roasted bean. I would hate to find out too late that the roast was wrong; I would then have to spend my whole vacation drinking flawed coffee! Gross!

August 2, 2006

I roasted today's cup of Colombian with this roast program:

Stage 1350F2:00
Stage 2400F4:00
Stage 3460F3:00
The first crack came at -2:52. The second crack started before the first ended, so I am not sure when it started. I let the roast proceed for the entire nine minutes. The coffee was good but a little darker than what I wanted.

August 3, 2006

Today I used preset 1. The first crack came in at -3:19 and continued until about -1:40. The second crack kicked in at -:25. I stopped the roast at -:05.

I think this roast pretty much nailed it. The coffee was perfect, and this is the roast profile that I will use to roast the beans that I take with me on vacation.

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