Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Today's Cup: Guatemala Huehuetenango - La Miravilla

Ooops! Today's cup was supposed to be the Old Brown Java that I roasted yesterday, but I accidentally brewed the last of the Guatemala Huehuetenango - La Miravilla. This is a bummer, because I really wanted Rich to try this bean, and since today is a work-from-home day, I cannot share today's cup.

On the other hand, I am drinking a really fine cup of coffee today! Sweet Maria's is sold out of this bean though, so this will probably be my last pot of Huehuetenango for a while! (Or maybe not, I might have 1/2 cup of unroasted beans left, enough for one more pot some day...)

In any event, you my gentle reader will be unable to order this bean, so perhaps it is cruel of me to even talk about it. So I will show you mercy, and withhold from you the details of this complex and flavorful cup! I will not tell you how people yesterday accused me of adding some exotic flavoring to the brew (I did not!), and how every mouthful tastes just a little different than the ones before and after. The more I drink this coffee, the more remarkable I find this bean to be. If Sweet Maria had any more, I'd buy it! (Of course, if I were Sweet Maria and I had more of those beans, I would lie through my coffee stained teeth and claim to be sold out, just so I could suck them all down myself!)

Which leads me to wonder: are they really sold out, or are they just holding out on us?

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