Thursday, June 08, 2006

Today's Roast: Organic Sumatran

This organic Sumatran was the first green bean I ever bought. These aren't the first beans I ever roasted myself, though: that honor goes to some freebie beans from Rich and Mike, who gave me the free beans and a loaner to get me hooked on roasting. (That plan worked by the way.)

Tonight I roasted this bean just like my last roast (on Tuesday June 6, 2006). The first crack came at -3:50 and I stopped the roast at -2:20.

I will not be drinking this coffee until Saturday (the day after tomorrow) but I have a specific goal in mind with this roasting curve. What I want it to get a milder roast but without the sourness I tasted in my earlier attempts.

The bad news: I still have not received my Chemex! Can you believe it??? It's already been a half a day and it is just coming from the left coast! (I am near Philadelphia.)

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