Friday, July 14, 2006

Today's Roast: Indonesia Sumtran Mandheling "Toba" Grade 1

I love drinking this coffee but I sure hate roasting it! It just doesn't crack the way I expect it to. I can never tell if I'm in the first crack, second crack, or maybe I'm really still in the zeroth crack? I just can't tell, this bean is so confusing! Today I roasted it for about 8:20 using the Sweet Maria's roast profile. It looks like a roasted bean I guess; I am no more or less certain about it than I have been any other time I roasted this bean.

This roast was a scant cup, more than the Sulawesi I roasted on Wednesday but still not a full cup. This is a worrying trend. Have I been carelessly overstuffing previous roasts? Or does my formula of three cups per pound break down for this particular supplier? (Both the Sulawesi and the Mandheling were from the same vendor, and it is not my regular most favored vendor.) Or worse: is the formula just flat out wrong?

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